Membership Options
Individual Membership at $80 per year
Individual Benefits
Visibility on the Member Directory page
MUSE logo usage
Monthly Member Meetings
Discounts on MUSE Educational Courses
Access to Sustainable Supplier Directory with 700+ vendors servicing the USA
Access to Resources: Videos, Calculators, Toolkits, Best Practices, Sustainability Reports and more
Access to Private LinkedIn Group
Association membership is a tax deductable business expense
This plan automatically renews every 12 months (opt out anytime) - Memberships are not transferrable, and there are no refunds
Patron Membership at $200 per year
Patron Benefits
Your company logo on the Supporters Page (with link to your website)
Includes two Individual Memberships (you + a colleague)
Visibility on the Member Directory page
MUSE logo usage
Monthly Member Meetings
Discounts on MUSE Educational Courses
Access to Sustainable Supplier Directory with 700+ vendors servicing the USA
Access to Resources: Videos, Calculators, Toolkits, Best Practices, Sustainability Reports and more
Access to Private LinkedIn Group
Association membership is a tax deductible business expense
This plan automatically renews every 12 months (opt out anytime)
Note: This plan offers (2) Individual Memberships plus your company logo on the Patron’s Page. It is not a company-wide membership. Memberships are not transferrable, and there are no refunds
Join the movement
Build the community
Make it happen
Join the movement ~ Build the community ~ Make it happen ~
While anyone can join, MUSE is primarily for USA based members. MUSE meetings are convenient to USA time zones, and the MUSE Supplier Database contains vendors that service the USA.
A MUSE membership is perfect for anyone in the event industry. Whether or not you have experience with sustainability, we’re here to welcome you to our growing community. Our members include individuals that work in all aspects of event production: event organizers, vendors, suppliers, venues, etc.
We meet virtually once a month. Typically, the meetings are for one hour on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 3pm ET / noon PT. The day of the week changes from month to month. The meetings are "drop in" and are fun and informal. We generally have someone do a short presentation/Q&A, and then break into smaller groups to meet and get to know ones another
MUSE reserves the right to cancel or revoke membership if a Member makes sustainability claims on their website that are scientifically inaccurate, or are deemed as a greenwash (even if inadvertent) by the MUSE Board of Advisors.
MUSE reserves the right to cancel or revoke membership if a Member’s core business is in opposition with the Mission and Goals of MUSE.
MUSE Memberships are non-transferable. MUSE Memberships may not be used by employees of the same company.
Only MUSE Members may join MUSE Member meetings, get discounts on classes, and join the Members Only LinkedIn Group.
MUSE is a grassroots organization. We try to keep the cost of membership down so that there's no barrier for entry. Please by multiple memberships if you would like a colleague to have access to MUSE benefits.
Have questions? Email info@museusa.org